Category internet

My Day at the Movies – March, 2019

A long , long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I used to embark on a fun adventure called “Tuesday afternoon movies”.  Essentially, I’d spend an afternoon or so every month at the movies, in order to relieve some of the stress of day to day life. I’ve been ignoring that for the past few months, partly because nothing ‘good’ came out I wanted to see, partly because winter, and partly because, lazy…  Well, today, I ventured out into the world of movie theater again, and here’s what I thought of it.

Please note: 
The opinions inside are absolutely my own and in no way represent those I know, friends or the like. I’ll happily discuss these opinions with you, or others, in a calm and rational fashion. However, I will not tolerate in any way, shape or form, harassment, bullying, or the like. Just because I don’t like something you do doesn’t give you the right to attack me. Show the same respect I show you, ok?

I’ve tried to keep these as spoiler free as possible, so please do keep that in mind, in the comments!

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The Facebook Messenger debacle (as reported by multiple sites)

Firstly, I’ll just come out and say it. I’m NOT a huge fan of facebook, twitter, etc, as shown in my previous posts. YES, I’ve reactivated my account, but the reality is that my opinion of social media is still the same… That being

 I’m tired of social media and how it twists things, kills friendships, sucks time like nothing, and the like.

That said, it’s important to note that in the interest of fairness, there is a lot of misinformation being spread about Facebook, messenger, and privacy. conclusions are being drawn by those attached to said misinformative websites (Huffington, CBS, and quite a few others) that Facebook is invading privacy, or Facebook is being ‘evil’ in this respect, or best yet, Facebook is ‘spying’ on you and your phone. This is just not correct in any manner here…

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Bullying, or criticism? Apparently one and the same

Ok, I’ve sat by the past few hours and just said pretty much nothing about this, but , well here goes. I’m sure this will draw some snarky comments. I’m sure it’ll get attacked like most of my pieces do, but shit happens. Unfortunately, the way things are going here is just ridiculous, and if something doesn’t change, well, this is just going to end badly for a LOT of people.

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Why can’t we all just get along?

Something that’s been bugging the hell out of me the past few months. It seems that it’s now ok to attack someone if you don’t agree with their opinion, or it’s ok to attack someone if you see them as a threat, or a different race, or whatever. Hell, it’s ok to attack someone if you don’t agree with who they voted for ? Why, oh why, can’t we all just get along? And WHERE the hell are we going to end up 10-15 years down the road unless we gain some sort of civility as a human race? Someone, do tell…